April 2022 Newsletter

Josh here with another monthly update. This is going to be a quick one. You know, I write that it's going to be a quick update nearly every month, then inevitably have to go back and revise that out when it ends up being the longest newsletter yet. I always start with the best of intentions... This time, it's actually going to happen though – there's really not much to report!

I was dealing with some pretty serious burnout throughout March, so I didn't make much progress other than fixing up the two chapters of Grave of the Waiting that went up a few days ago. If you haven't read those yet, be sure to check them out and let me know how you think the story is shaping up so far. I also added a story recap page in case you need a reminder about what happened since last month's chapters. Keeping that updated is on my release to-do list, so if you ever forget what happened in the previous chapters, you can check there to jog your memory before diving back into the story!

Last month, I shared a teaser of the cover art for An Ocean of Others, which was still a work in progress at the time. I'm happy to say that the cover art has been finalized; I'm sad to say that I'm still not ready to share it, as I'm waiting on the artist who I commissioned to finish the design for the cover and wraparound. I'll have more news to share about the release of my novel in next month's newsletter.

Until then, I'm off to work on the next chapter of Grave. As always, thanks for reading!