
  • 3 winners will be selected to receive a signed copy bundle of An Ocean of Others (in February 2023) and a signed copy of the sequel, Sibling Suns 2 (as soon as it's available–I'm currently targeting late 2023).
  • To enter, sign up to my newsletter and send me an email at If you're reading the newsletter in your inbox, just reply to that email!
  • Winners will be announced in the February 2023 Newsletter.

(If that link gives you a 400 error, that means you're already signed up.)


  • Due to the costs and time-delays associated with international shipping, the giveaway is unfortunately only open to US applicants.
  • Due to a clerical error, the giveaway is open to international applicants as well.
  • You'll have to be willing to provide me with your shipping address.

An Ocean of Others Details