Have you ever turned on an audiobook and listened while reading the paperback? It's my favorite way to read, engaging three of your senses — hearing the narrator, seeing the words, feeling the book in your hands — to fully immerse you in the story. While this page can't simulate the weight of paper in your palms, it's got you covered on hearing and seeing!

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Coming October 22, 2024!

Excerpt from To Burn All Belief, Chapter 2 — Ceaseless Flow

“Enough!” I screamed, and a flare of Archefire bloomed in the air above the mage. Its light illuminated faces cloaked in the shadows of dusk.

The crowd jumped back at that. One Heel tore off his smoldering hat and stomped it underfoot. My lip curled as I glanced at Inac, who wore a disapproving look.

It produced the effect I wanted, however. A space opened for me to kneel beside the Archemage, press my hand against his wound. The Finger shuddered. He was alive. Stabbed in the gut.

“We need an Archehealer!” I looked around at the crowd, but none stepped forward.

A moment later, Inac arrived beside me. “Who dealt to him this wound?”

I gritted my teeth in frustration. Neither of us could use the Fire properly. I was liable to burn myself up, and Inac… Without his hand… It pained me to think about what he had given to protect me.

A Lawikan Finger stepped forth, broad in the face and dark of hair. This man, I remembered. Nill.

“Rebels,” Nill said, his voice hoarse like he had been yelling. “They been taken care of.”

Beside Nill, a Skardwarf stood motionless as members of the Agency jostled around him like a river flowing around a boulder. I had only met two Skardwarves in the Agency, and I knew for certain Sentyx was not here. This was the other, then. Cavern. His hands were balled into huge fists.

And one was covered in blood.

Over his shoulder, another crowd of Heels gathered around the body of a man dressed in rags, arguing over who would be the one to transport him. I thought they might be squeamish about touching a dirty Blightdweller…until I saw the viscera and gray matter covering those rags. The Blightdweller’s head was smashed to pulp.

I glared at Cavern, who shrugged, then at Nill. “How could you allow this to happen?”

“What did you say?” Nill furrowed his bushy black brows and wrinkled his flat nose. “We were attacked by those thugs. Caught us a prisoner, but…”

“Pulled a knife on me,” Cavern said and had the gall to laugh. He spun to show off a broken-off blade poking from his back.

“Self-defense,” Nill said with a nod. “Ain’t a problem, is there?”

“There is a problem,” I fired back. “I don’t like that tone, Finger. You’re speaking to the Head, and I commanded that no one be killed within the city. We will not allow a Benefactor to Emerge within Liwokin’s walls.”

📅 New audiobook coming October 22, 2024